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Since we each go to the toilet about 2 to 3 times a day - or more - it's important to know how to properly maintain your toilet to enjoy years of reliable and hygienic use. Part of that is knowing how often you need to replace your removable seat. Generally, you should replace your toilet seat every five years, but there are some clear signs that you should replace your toilet seat now.
1. When it's stained and discolored- In general, toilet seats can harbor a lot of bacteria due to all the waste they come into contact with. Stains and discoloration are visual indicators of bacteria and aging.
2. When it breaks- A break or crack is a sure sign that you should replace your toilet seat. In addition to this damage rendering the toilet seat unusable, continued use could lead to accidents or injuries.
3. When the hinge is too loose- When the hinge is too loose, the seat will move a lot from side to side and may cause slipping accidents and discomfort. Sometimes you can fix the problem simply by tightening the hinges and bolts, but a new one is usually more practical.
4. When you move into second-hand housing- Two reasons: hygiene and peace of mind. You don't know if the previous owner took good care of the toilet seat, or if they ever replaced it. It's safer to replace them when you move in.
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